Yahoo Modifies Search Advertisers Terms And Conditions

January 7, 2009 0

San Francisco— Last night, Yahoo via an email notified their Search Marketing advertisers, informing them about new terms and conditions including a controversial provision that authorizes them the right to create ads, remove or add keywords to campaigns and “ optimize

” accounts of its advertisers.

Well, surprisingly not all of it is that shocking, except that Yahoo can lawfully create of modify your search ads without seeking prior permission from the advertiser.

Nevertheless, the update to the terms and conditions are in fact at least six months old, it finally got some sincere attention due to the recent email — and is attracting some disagreement. About six months ago, Yahoo said they are allowed to “(i) create ads, (ii) add and/or remove keywords, and/or (iii) optimize your account(s).” In fact, there have been rumors that Yahoo has been doing this since early 2006.

Here is the snippet in the terms and conditions that elaborate this:

Sponsored Search 3. OPTIMIZATION: In the U.S. only, for those advertisers not bound by an Insertion Order, we may help you optimize your account(s). Accordingly, you expressly agree that we may also: (i) create ads, (ii) add and/or remove keywords, and/or (iii) optimize your account(s). We will notify you via email of such changes made to your account(s), and can also include a spreadsheet of such changes upon your written request.

In fact, this and other changes to the terms and conditions are in effect since June of last year. Furthermore, as Yahoo dispatches this notification to more advertisers, more bloggers are getting their heads around it. And truly, they are not happy about the whole affair.

Loren Baker, at Search Engine General, stamped the move as a possible means of “boosting capital” because they seem to be “hard up” on money.

Although the list of updates is quite long, this can be compared from the current version to the archived version to distinguish what significant changes have been made.