Q. Kindly give our readers an insight to your business? Please include the location details of your main office and the branches if any.
Ans: Thanks for giving me the opportunity to introduce my business. My company name is Dotpulse which works towards providing hosting services to the global clientèle . The tagline “The Hosting Lifeline” stands by what it says. We focus on delivering the best solutions to our clients business. The word “Lifeline” means something that gives life to any living being. Similarly Dotpulse wants to give life to the hosting industry. The company is now moving to the International market with a promise of pulsating web hosting with qualitative customer support. We provide hosting services that are remarkable in their own way and have sustainability till eternity.
Q. What ignited the spark in you to make significant changes in an existing business?
Ans: Though there are various hosting providers that exist in the International arena but we have some distinguished features like 30 minutes guaranteed response time, multilocation hosting (currently in Texas, London & soon coming up at Netherlands, Canada, India, etc)
Q. How important have good employees been to your success?
Ans: We are in the service industry where only service matters. And that is highly guaranteed by our support staff. With that you can realise the importance of the employees that we have in our mind.
Q. What is that motivational factor for you?
Ans: The most motivating factor for me are the positive reviews by our clients.
Q. How do you generate new ideas?
Ans: When in business it is very important to keep improving and innovating. We keep collecting feedbacks from our clients and keep working on their needs.
Q. What differentiates you from the rest to make you the better choice?
Ans: Our clients have given us the reasons that make us different from others and that are:
24 x 7 x 365 Non Outsourced Support
30 Minutes Guaranteed Resolution Time
Highly secured server
Disaster Recovery
No Overload Servers
Technology Competence
99.9% Uptime & Clustered Cloud Environment
45-Day Money Back Guarantee – Hassle Free
Q. How do you define success?
Ans: Success is tough to achieve and even tougher to be constant with it. Success is when people believe in you, have trust on your products/services and become your marketers through the word of mouth publicity.
Q. What is the best way to achieve long-term success?
Ans: Being in a service industry the best way to get there is to remember that post-sales service is as important as pre-sales service.
Q. How do you build a successful customer base?
Ans: A strong customer base is a result of the urge of retaining your customers. This can happen only by fulfilling the promises stated by our marketing material, sales representatives and website. By constantly reviewing the feedbacks from our customers and by providing 100% post sales service.
Q. In one word, characterise your life as an entrepreneur.
Ans: As an entrepreneur my life has been quite fulfilling but not an easy journey. But in word I would define it as “Focus”.
Q. How can you prevent mistakes or do damage control?
Ans: We strongly believe in damage control. This is the reason why we keep our server alive in every situation. This is done by maintaining backup on daily, weekly and monthly basis. We maintain backup on local as well as remote server. We maintain additional server with OS and software ready to reduce the downtime.