The micro-blogging service will shortly forward weekly email digests to all Twitter users over the next few weeks, that is already available to some, which will feature a summary of your Twitter stream, Othman Laraki, Twitter’s growth and international director, wrote in a blog post Monday.
More so, users can effortlessly manage the new feature, as well as other Twitter email notifications, in their notification settings menu. “This summary features the most worthy Tweets and stories shared by the people you are connected to on Twitter,” Laraki wrote.
Twitter’s new weekly e-mail digest. (Credit: Twitter)
The recent e-mail digest is not precisely the best of your Twitter feed, though. Rather, it is conceptualized similar to Twitter’s Discover tab, and highlights popular trending stories, not tweets. The digest will display only the headline and a summary, then a row of thumbnails showing who tweeted the story. Users will have to click on the headlines to continue reading the story, see related tweets from people they follow, or tweet the piece themselves directly from the email.
By the way, this weekly e-mail digest heralds a change of course for Twitter, whose main attraction is its ability to relay information quickly and in real time. The micro-blogging site noted on its blog post disclosing the feature, that the email digest will also include the most engaging tweets of the week seen by those you follow–even if you do not actually follow the person who wrote them. It will show who from your network either retweeted or favored these tweets.
“We are gradually releasing this new e-mail to everyone, so keep checking your inbox for new messages from Twitter,” Laraki, wrote in the blog post.
The feature comes several months after Twitter acquired Summify, a startup news aggregator service that culled through your social media profile to deliver a daily digest of the most relevant stories to your inbox. The Summify team moved from Vancouver to Twitter’s headquarters in San Francisco.
To sign up for Twitter’s new weekly digest, go to your Twitter Notification Settings, and under “Updates,” check “Email me with a weekly digest of Stories & Tweets from my network.”