Microsoft Debuts “HelpBridge” Emergency Disaster App For Android, iOS And Windows Phone
January 17, 2013 at 1:32 pm 0

Redmond, Washington - The escalating problem of climate change has severely affected our weather conditions. Natural disasters are often unexpected, leaving precious little time to coordinate with loved ones. Microsoft wants to help and is making venturing into turning virtual connections into an ad-hoc disaster aid network. So, the software maker on Wednesday unveiled HelpBridge, an app designed to help its users connect with the people that matter to them the most during a large scale natural disaster, such as the recent Hurricane Sandy that devastated the U.S. in late October 2012. (more…)
Twitter Unveils “Oscars Index” To Track Social Sentiment Of Nominees
January 17, 2013 at 1:24 pm 0

New York - In a fresh move to monitor partisans of Oscar nominations, popular microblogging service, on Tuesday introduced its Twitter Oscars Index, an interactive tool to track social sentiment of the Academy Award nominees ahead of the Feb. 24 trophy show-and so far Zero Dark Thirty is scoring well below its fellow best picture contenders. (more…)
Facebook Unveils “Graph Search” To Search Friends’ Likes And Past Statuses
January 16, 2013 at 2:32 pm 0

Los Angeles -- Early this week the net was abuzz with news that the popular social networking giant Facebook might announce an indigenous phone, but on Tuesday, the company finally unleashed its search capabilities dubbed as “Graph Search” that could be a real game changer at the world's leading social media network in a budding challenge to Google, LinkedIn, Yelp and other Internet firms, according to one analyst.

Instagram’s New Privacy Policies Becomes Effective This Week
January 16, 2013 at 1:48 pm 0


San Francisco -- In a surprising turn of events, the baffled photo-sharing site Instagram, owned by Facebook, has sent an helpful e-mail to users, reminding them that an earlier version of its policies that caused such a ruckus back in December will be replaced with the new terms of service and privacy policy that would go into effect this Saturday, January 19th (but without the clause that caused most of the fuss).

Google+ Hangouts On Air Goes In Full-Screen Mode
January 15, 2013 at 1:08 pm 0

San Francisco - Much to the delight of many users who utilize Google+ Hangouts on Air live streams, as the search company has unfurled a minor update that will offer a far improved viewing experience when watching a video stream with just one presenter. Hangouts on Air will now show in a fullscreen mode by default when there is only one camera. (more…)
Bing Captures More Growth In December 2012, Snipping 0.2% Of The Google’s Market Share
January 15, 2013 at 1:01 pm 0

Reston, VA - Finally, it is proving its vigor with all of Microsoft's Bing marketing stunts are starting to have an effect. According to recent research from comScore, the search engine everyone loves to laugh at, which powers both Bing and Yahoo tools, managed to gain 0.2% aggregate market share from Google during December. (more…)
Google Unfurls Chrome 25 Beta With Speech Recognition
January 15, 2013 at 12:47 pm 0

Mountain View, California - With the rise of Siri, the future of Web browsing has finally dawned! Barely days after releasing Chrome 24 for Windows, Mac, and Linux, Google surprised the tech industry on Monday by announcing the release of Chrome 25 beta. With the latest release, the company is giving developers some big new voice-centered tools among the new features, which consists of voice support via the newly added Web Speech API, a new tab page with a search box, and the blocking of silent extension installation.

Yahoo Combs Through Flickr Creative Commons Images To Search
January 14, 2013 at 2:48 pm 0

Sunnyvale, California -- In a fresh bit to try and tempt users away from the sheen radiance of Google, Yahoo, over the weekend announced on its Search blog and Twitter account that it has--at long last--integrated Flickr search results into Yahoo Image Search results on the Web, tablets and mobile phones.

Google Launches Zavers Digital Coupon With Real-Time Redemption Offering For Retailers
January 14, 2013 at 2:40 pm 0

Mountain View, California -- Relentlessly striving to capitalize on its e-commerce solutions, search giant Google over the weekend introduced a real-time new digital coupon offering called Zavers by Google, a service that empower retailers and manufacturers to reward their loyal customers with relevant coupons. The company, however, said that it would be demonstrating the product first-hand to visitors of Google's booth at the annual National Retail Federation (NFR) Convention & Expo in New York, which runs through Tuesday. (more…)
Monetization Accelerated: Facebook Levies $100 For Messaging Zuckerberg
January 14, 2013 at 1:21 pm 0

Los Angeles -- Of late, it has become apparent that social networking humongous Facebook has been exploring various ways for new revenue streams. But, over the weekend, its ambition cracked open as the blogosphere has been swirling with sizzling idea that Facebook is running a test where it is possible to message people who are not your friends. Well, according to technology blog Mashable's discovery, if you wish to place your message in a more visible position to CEO Mark Zuckerberg's Inbox, then its only possible if for a cool $100.
