SEMPO Board Declares Names Of Newly Elected Officers

March 5, 2009 0

Wakefield, Mass., — SEMPO, The Board of Directors of the Search Engine Marketing Professional Organization, today declared the names of newly elected slate of officers for 2009. The new offices include Jeffrey Pruitt, formerly SEMPO president and executive vice president of corporate partnerships, iCrossing, was elected chairman, superseding outgoing chairman Dana Todd, CMO and co-founder at Newsforce. The new officers begin their one-year terms on April 1st.

In addition, Sara Holoubek, an independent corporate strategy consultant on interactive technology and advertising, succeeds Pruitt as SEMPO’s president. Ron Jones, president and CEO of Symetri Internet Marketing, was elected as vice president of SEMPO, and Dave Fall, vice president, product management, search technology, at DoubleClick, Inc., was elected treasurer. Chris Boggs, director of search engine optimization for Rosetta, was re-elected secretary. Jones and Fall effectively exchanged the positions they held last year.

To view complete profiles of the newly elected officers, visit here:

“As SEMPO membership keeps growing, we welcome new faces to leadership roles in our boards and committees. I look forward to working with Sara Holoubek, who brings experience and a diverse industry network to the task, and to working with all our talented board members, committee chairs and volunteers. I also want to extend SEMPO’s thanks to outgoing chairperson Dana Todd for her dedication to helping SEMPO grow as an organization,” says Pruitt.

“SEMPO continues to contribute value to search marketing professionals through its educational programs, via SEMPO Institute, its major research initiatives, including the annual market survey, and through information and networking events such as our ever increasing list of local working groups,” said Holoubek. “I look forward to helping drive these initiatives forward in the upcoming year.”

The SEMPO board of directors has charted out the organization’s initiatives for the 2009-2010 term, says Pruitt. SEMPO will focus on three areas: thought leadership, increased global and local activity, and continued growth of SEMPO Institute.