The availability for everyone is as it should had been without any limitation. It works fine and its perfectly competitive as compared to its rivals. Now like using any other platform, one can just register with Amazon via their TouchPad application and if they have any bookshelf containing ebooks purchased, it instantly shows up in the view providing the bookshelf section. Cover view covers everything, one’s complete library at one view.
The books here are displayed with a white ribbon on the cover of the books which clearly indicated that they are Archived. This even shows that they have lived in the Amazon Cloud. Downloading a book is quick and is just a tap away from getting at the top of one’s bookshelf as after getting downloaded, they are moved to the said place. The downloads even notify the progress via a bar which shows the download progress rate.
WhisperSync is even used in operation which lets a reader be up-to-date in the library and even marks the furthest position in the book which they are currently. One can make use of bookmarks even along with settings for font size, etc. this can be simply done by tapping on the preferred page. Another tap on the same page removes the controls and preferred view is available. This combines for a great experience for the readers. Talking about the orientations, landscapes as well as portrait support is available. The reader gets a view of two pages when they turn on the landscape orientation. Again the easiest of all is to turn pages as one just has to tap on the left or the right page.
For the time being, this application is downloadable free of cost from the app catalog but only on the U.S. soil. Its implications are such that one can use TouchPad as a Kindle substitute only in U.S. HP however claims that this support is in process to become available at other places too in the coming future. This is a point of worry as HP has launched the TouchPad in many other major countries which even include UK and no support of this ereader for the major countries could be frustrating. As for the comparison, HP TouchPad is much better that what RIM PlayBook owners claim as Kindle app is not yet available for PlayBook.
It took HP 17 days from its launch to get their tablet the Kindle app but however the wait was worth one’s money and time. However for a regular android user, it is not at all a surprise as its offerings are basically all the same. This again would force HP to think harder for some more innovative tactics as the competitors have already conquered the Kindle app and have much more to offer apart from Kindle.