There is some news for the webOS users and fans, which might be heartening. HP has given a confirmation that they would not continue the operations relating to any webOS phones and even the TouchPad. The confirmation was made just before HP’s Q3 conference.
HP announced that its discontinuance would be for its webOS devices, but they are still looking out for options wherein they can value webOS software’s optimization in future. It would be an unwanted treat for the webOS fans and users. However it can be said that it was already known that something like this was always coming its way. The shattering is for those who had faith in HP when they bought Palm in April, 2010. That acquisition was quoted for $1.2 billion and failed thoughts were incorporated that there would be a fantastic operating system run device out from the HP warehouse. HP had come up with some really appreciative devices, but couldn’t stand the competition it was facing from the other giants.
It looks all over for the webOS, but the company still has vagued its response which could mean that there are still a few options open for the OS. One of the options could be that HP can license it to others, which would give it an option to keep it alive in the existing devices. This option is not a really great option as there would be severe competition from Apple iOS and Android OS. Another option is to use webOS in non-phone/tablet devices. This is more or less a better option and can be implemented too as HP had earlier announced that cars and printers would have this OS incorporated. However, till there is no further detailing from HP, webOS can be considered as dead for the future.
The loss for webOS has been majorly because it couldn’t catch up with the likes of Android and iOS. WebOS phones being pulled back was a setback, but TouchPad was a bigger loss as it was launched just a month back and many HP lovers were in for it even though it lacked the apps, preference and many more specifications as compared to Apple iPad or for that case even any other Android-powered tablet, especially a worthy Samsung Galaxy Tab. Even though the sales weren’t great but the trust it had gained could have been built on.
In a related development, Hp had another shocker which related to its PC division. HP announced that it has plans to even either spin off its PC division or sell it. This move if is in the happening, then it would in a combined way move HP out of the consumer market. However HP’s business customers would still get equipments such as servers and other related ones as HP would continue selling them.
Some critics have said that the discontinuance of webOS devices can be blamed to some extent on the Palm purchase which was acquired for $1.2 billion. The decision was termed as “huge strategic error.” Nevertheless, HP has a few more options to use, but the most effective one for the company is still to be announced.