July 29, 2011 0

The search engine giant has always been on a roller coaster to conquer the tech world, but a news has broke out that Google is limiting its cleaner version of search interface only for tablets. Google is in process of conducting tests for a fresh new layout which looks like it has been designed to suit the tablets. A brief update has been applied even for Gmail and Calendar.

The navigation bar is black in color has been included in the new design. One can have a look at this change if they visit Google.com. It is already making people talk about the unique change. There is a combination of a black and red scheme even on the navigation bar which denotes what a user is looking out for. Additionally, one might even recognize that Google has even removed the traditional “Goooooooooogle” which was widely recognized by the masses. However it still gives a much cleaner option for the traditional search style. Now there are paginations which are number-based.

For the users who are not Googling from tablets, their might not be lucky enough to feel this change for a long phase as Google is testing them and one would only see it if they are really lucky. This is because there is no guarantee that this tablet-based Google search would be available for everyone. This was reported by Digital Inspiration relating to Google updates. The screen-shots for the above said changes can be viewed below:


One would not notice all of these changes made on their PCs, laptops, mobiles, etc. but it was later confirmed by Amit Agarwal of Digital Inspiration that on iPad these changes were on and on for long. This is however not the first case where this was spotted. Twitter witnessed many such tweets where users tweeted that they had seen these changes on their tablets. Google has always worked hard on improving their services to help users to work and search better and to even save their time simultaneously. This update might however looks good and seems to impress many Googlers, but not letting everyone make use of it, looks really harsh.

This would in fact be the first instance when Google has attempted at coming up with a device based change. It is more or less selective approach from Google. It might look like Google is yet again experimenting, but it has always had a mixed bag of successes and failures when we talk about experiments from the search engine giant’s warehouse. In this case however, a response would be awaited from the masses from the now distinguished world which are the normal world and the other the tablet world.