Back in August, the Google-certified ad networks feature was previously available only to U.S. and European publishers, but according to the Inside AdSense blog, the search engine leader has just announced that all AdSense publishers will now have access to these participating ad networks.
The newly announced features will allow third party advertisers to compete with Adwords publishers to provide ads on publishers network. So, what will be the impact?
Authorizing these ad networks would mean more ad networks would be competing now for display ad space on publishers’ sites. And this would lead to more ads to appear on sites serving AdSense display ads — more earning for site owners.
Publishers now can now find on their page a new “Allow and Block Google Certified Ad Networks” feature under Adsense Setup >> Ad Review Center.
“These new attributes will automatically be activated for your account, and you will see a new section in your Ad Review Center where you can permit or block specific ad networks or all networks except AdWords. Please note that we will step-by-step roll out new ad networks to AdSense accounts over the next few months, so you would not see any immediate impact on your ads or your earnings.”
Atul Bhandari, AdSense product manager, stated that although this facility was originally only offered to those located in Europe and North America, it has now been expanded to encompass all regions.
By taking benefits of these SEO services, businesses may be able to produce higher earnings as more ads will be queuing up to appear on their pages, the expert notes on Inside AdSense.
“Our system will show the ads that will generate you the most profit, whether they are from these Google-certified ad networks or the AdWords program,” Bhandari states.
If you are concerned that you might get an influx of ad networks which are not related to the subject of your sites, well, you do not have to worry since Google will still make sure that the quality of the ads that appear on AdSense publisher websites through all participating ad networks adhere to Google’s interest-based ad program which stipulates that only relevant ads are to be served on sites they visit.
Well, if you are not satisfied with this provision, you can always opt-out of this feature anytime. So the next time you check out your Ad Review Center account, do not be surprise to see varieties of advertisements with maximum revenue at the end of the month.