Google Friend Connect Follows Yahoo, Joins Forces With Twitter

December 4, 2009 0

New York — Following in the footsteps of Yahoo’s recent integration with Facebook to its content network, and today search giant announced that it will rolled out a twitter integration feature on its Friend Connect platform which will allow any one with a Twitter or Google account to log-in into a website if it supports Friend Connect platform.

Beginning immediately, a user will now be able to instantly get connected using either his Google account or Twitter ID with sites that use Google Friend Connect. And if they have signed in with their Twitter credentials, their username and profile picture are passed through OAuth back to Friend Connect. Significantly, it means that you can easily tweet with the click of a button. And any comment they leave on that site can be automatically tweeted out.

Google Friend Connect is an online service that enables web rovers to connect with their friends on different websites. The integration is activated automatically the next time you login to GFC using your Twitter ID. And what can you do with this integration? Many things actually. For one, you can now tweet anything from the Google Friend Connect site that you are currently logged-in to.

The service was introduced last May in an attempt to become more social and has about 8 million monthly users – not a lot for the web.

Websites that already have integrated Friend Connect platform, can now access to various applications and content from HI5, Orkut, MySpace, Plaxo and many other popular social networking platforms.

The timing of this integration is pretty interesting as Google attempts to increase the popularity of Friend Connect with Twitter association, as Yahoo just rolled out a massive Facebook Connect integration. It is also worth mentioning that Google’s rival Microsoft owns a small portion of Facebook through an investment made in 2007.

Nevertheless, Twitter might not be as immensely popular as Facebook, which accounts for 350 million users, but for Google that is not the point. Google has enough users — the problem is that they do not use Google for social networking.

If you are not yet connected to Google Friend Connect, now may be the right time to start using it. Learn more about Google Friend Connect from this site.

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