Google Eyeing Job Search Site – SimplyHired

May 17, 2007 0

Recently, there was some speculation that Google is in discussions to acquire job search engine SimplyHired <!–[if !vml]–><!–[endif]–>.

Of late, this week has witnessed one eBusiness rumor after another come out, and the latest nugget indicates that Google may be interested in buying SimplyHired.

According to reports, at least one knowledgeable onlooker thinks that a deal will take place. "Global Equities Research analyst Trip Chowdry says that Google is stepping up its efforts to buy VC-backed SimplyHired," the site reported.

If acquired, SimplyHire would surely fill in an obvious blank in Google’s arsenal!

SimplyHired almost seems like it was built to be acquired by Google. Furthermore, Simply Hired is, like Google, "based in Mountain View," and also "target’s the long tail and landed a MySpace deal and Google does not have a job search tool."

Still, there are those who think that an acquisition is doubtful. On the VC Ratings blog, Joshua Jaffe writes, "I do not buy this one. Google has acquired a lot of companies in the past six years and a grand total of two were focused on search. This is something Google does best and does not need to go outside the Googleplex for in all but the most bleeding edge of cases."

The suggestion that Google’s mere lack of a job search tool implicates their intent to buy is a little weak. And Jaffe points out that Google’s "64% search engine market share affords it the opportunity to put anything it wants in front of lots of users."

Those "efforts" (if authentic) will almost surely succeed – between Google’s cachet and its cash, few companies can say “no” to the search engine giant.

All in all, this leaves us with just one more will they/won’t they situation; refer to Microsoft and Yahoo, Google and Dow Jones, or MySpace and Photobucket for other recent examples. Still, it is always fairly exciting to see the Google checkbook crack open.