Google Docs Goes Font Crazy, Boasts 450 New Fonts And 60 New Templates

May 3, 2012 0

Mountain View, California — Tired of Arial, Times New Roman and Courier? Well, typography enthusiasts may find some reason to rejoice fonts galore! Google wants to spruce up your documents with 450 new fonts. “Often the best way to deliver your opinion across is to present your idea in a creative, captivating way,” they say in a blog post.

This week the developers transforming Google Docs have presented their newest update to their web-based environment for document editing. It starts with more fonts, but then there are loads of new templates, plus options for adding images from Google Drive, the LIFE Photo archive or webcam snapshots.

Armed with more than 200 updates in the past year, the Internet giant’s word processing program continues to add more formatting features. “Today, we added over 450 new fonts to Google documents to make it easier for you to add a little something extra to whatever you create,” Google software engineer Isabella Ip wrote in a company blog post.

All those Bree Serif, Kaushan Script, and Lovers Quarrel font fans will now be able to bring into play these different scripts while working in Google Docs. Luckily, your font menu within Google Docs wont have all 450+ fonts listed, as that would be simply overwhelming. All you have to do is click “Add Fonts” within the font menu dropdown. There, you will be taken to Google’s web font database where you can select which new fonts you want to add to your menu.

Not only that, but there are now 60+ new templates available in the gallery, which is designed for work, home, school, fun, holiday, and more. Examples of some of the types of templates include resumes, newsletters, recipes, photo sharing, and legal invoices.


A sampling of Google Docs’ new templates. (Credit: Google)

Furthermore, Image support via the LIFE Photo archive is a pretty huge feature as well. The Google-hosted site touts millions of images, free for non-commercial use. Combine that with the quick-add feature from your webcam, and better support for charts and spreadsheets and you’ve got some great editing features for better documents at every level.

Google has really been busy improving Google Docs as of late. Other Google Docs announcements from today contains more options for adding images into documents, charts in spreadsheets now have support for minor gridlines and customization, and users can set the default page size for new documents.

Nevertheless, this is not all, more in store, but for now all of these improvements and integrations are part of the company’s “Go Google” campaign that centered around the launch of their Google Drive cloud storage service. The collaborative editing feature was the focal point of this amazing web ad starring Hall and Oates:

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