Facebook Timeline Apps Boosts Traffic To Pinterest, Fab.com

February 16, 2012 0

San Francisco — Barely a month after releasing 60 new Timeline apps, the red hot virtual pinboard of late, Pinterest, certainly has a friend in Facebook, for example, has seen its daily user base shoot up by more than 60 percent since integrating Open Graph less than a month ago.

Some of Facebook’s timeline app partners are apparently excited with the relationship so far, according to a post on the company’s developer blog today.

Now let us begin with the much-hyped Pinterest. It is not just the latest social media darling that is witnessing huge growth from Open Graph, but it is one of 60 launch partners using the Facebook platform wisely. Since starting its open graph integration, the virtual pin-up board has seen its daily visitors increase 60 percent.

Users of the pinboard site can sign in with an account from the dominant social network. In a new post, Facebook points to Pinterest in its early success stories of the Timeline feature:

Pinterest: Since launching their open graph integration less than a month ago, the number of Facebook users visiting Pinterest every day has increased by more than 60%. The virtual pinboard site has made it fun and easy to share the items you’ve pinned and follow the boards of people you find interesting.

“We are now witnessing new content discovery and increases in traffic and engagement happening more broadly for companies of all sizes,” stated a post on Facebook’s developer blog today. “Open Graph has driven a lot of discovery and growth, allowing many companies to double the size of their user base in weeks.”

Here are some additional information from Facebook’s blog post:

  • Pose, a digital discovery vehicle for the fashion-minded, experienced a 5X bump in daily signups for its website and mobile app.
  • Artfinder.com has seen visitors’ time spent rise by 60 percent.
  • Foodspotting’s traffic from Facebook has advanced by 3X since implementing its timeline app.
  • And Foodily.com has picked up 4X the new users compared to before.

The company further said that it has sanctioned hundreds of new actions for Open Graph apps in the last month, with brands like Vogue Paris, Votizen, Identified, Boxee, MetaCafe and Shopkick introducing new offerings in recent weeks.

Using Open Graph, people can read, watch, and eat items on the social network rather than simply pushing a “like” blanket on top of everything. As Open Graph expands, the context that it provides will likely prove a boon for all parties. With content providers and services able to elect more appropriate verbs, users will be able to more quickly identify services of interest and startups like Pinterest will have more streamlined paths toward user acquisition.