November 21, 2011 0

Facebook is upgrading in every possible way to keep the users from moving to its newest rival, Google+. But, Facebook Photos gets an update every now and then. Three months back, there was an update for the same and yet again one notices that the social networking giant is upgrading the service again. This update would now let users watch the progress in real-time and add information before it’s complete.

The last update, which came in three months back, was assumed to be its last major update and one would not have expected another update coming it so early. However, the update announced here is a small yet significant. It only improves the Facebook Photos product for one’s use. The announcement had the executives noting that the Photos uploader update would be rolled out in the coming weeks.

Briefing about the update, when a user upload photos to an album,the update allows them to see each and every photo as it is being uploaded. Additionally, the user can even watch the upload process in real-time.

Traditionally, Facebook used to make the users wait to add details and stories, till the upload process is over. That is even changing now as a user can start adding details about the photos, even when it is being uploaded. So a user wastes no time in waiting to add in details. That’s multitasking at its best for a photographer using the Facebook medium to show the world his/her clicks.

The process is classified neatly and the confusion is eased. Users can start adding captions and location information to each of their photos right away. Along with it, they can even add an album title, description, and location at the top of the uploader. If one is too quick to finish off with the filing of these details, they can keep a track of how long it would take for their uploads to get down with.

Facebook is the biggest photo sharing website on the Internet, as there are more than 250 million photos being uploaded on a daily basis. The sharing on the social networking site has a big portion of uploads having photos, which makes it quite graphical.


Facebook’s Justin Shaffer posted on the Official Facebook Blog an original announcement for the same, wherein he noted, “We’re excited to announce an update to Photos that makes it faster and easier to share photos on Facebook. Now, when you upload photos to an album, you can see each photo as it uploads and watch the upload progress in real-time. In addition, we’ve made some improvements so you don’t have to wait for the album to finish uploading to start adding details and stories. Now, you can start adding captions and location details to each of your photos right away. You can also add an album title, description, and location at the top of the uploader. Just as before, you can choose who can see your album before you post and adjust your selection later if you change your mind. You can also continue to track how long your upload will take.”