Convert enemies into friends for long term success – Dr Moon Ki Song

June 2, 2010 0

Preventive Nutrient Company (PNC) Inc. is a Commercial Product Research and Development (R&D) organization which licenses various pharmaceutical and nutraceutical agents that are patented in the US and worldwide. PNC, Inc. was founded in 1997 to exploit the potentiality of over-the-counter nutraceuticals for the control of glucose metabolism. In 2006, PNC completed the Phase I Clinical Trial successfully with Cyclo-Z at the VA Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System (VAGLAHS). The Phase 2 Clinical Trial for diabetes has commenced at the VAGLAHS with VA Merit Review fund: (PI: Zhaoping Li, M.D., Ph.D.). Continuing basic studies for Alzheimers disease were also funded by the VA Merit Review grant (PI: James Schultz, Ph.D.) and American Association of Alzheimers disease (PI: Stephen OBarr). Phase 2 study at the Korea was funded by the Cyclo-Z Korea Co., Ltd. #401 4th Floor MS Bldg, 993-2, Hwagok-6-Dong, Gang Seo-Gu, Seoul, Korea (President/CEO: Byung Kown Ryu).

Dr Moon Ki Song, is the owner of Prevent Nutrient Company (PNC) Inc. He is a US Citizen born in Taejon, Korea with a wife and two kids. He had a Ph.D. in Molecular Genetics from University of Hawaii School of Medicine. Dr Moon is a widely published author and Speaker and holds more than 10 patents in his field of expertise. These are excerpts from his interview:-

What is your business plan?
PNC Inc’s main objectives of the business plan are to make drugs which are clearly beneficial to humans subjects with diabetes, obesity and Alzheimers diseases.

Tell us a little about your future plans ?
We plans to offer clinical trials with Cyclo-Z for the treatment of obesity and Alzheimer’s disease. Cyclo-Z has obtained US and international patents for obesity treatment and the patents for Alzheimers disease treatment is pending in the US and Europe. Patent rights are now owned by the US Department of Veterans Affairs on behalf of US government, but were licensed back to the PNC since commercialization require Proof of Concept data (Phases 2 clinical trial data) before making an alliance with a major pharmaceutical company for marketing Cyclo-Z as a new drug with health claims.

How are you raising funds?
My organization was first funded by the US Department of Veterans Affairs research grant and then marketing the product in small scale to advertise the product. US Department of Veterans Affairs does not have any budget for the clinical trials before selling the intellectual property to a major pharmaceutical company. Then, we recruited the investors through our distributors. Therefore, PNC is raising clinical trial funds through government grants and investors funds on behalf of US government.

How will you utilize these funds?
PNC will seek funding for constructing a business team, facilities and for the initial marketing of the product. There will be very little chance of an investor losing money on their investments as there is a huge demand for this product, a very high profit return and relatively small business expenses.

What is your marketing strategy?
Cyclo-Z is a nutraceutical at this time, since it does not contain any harmful chemical ingredients. Hence we plan to market it without health claims as other nutraceuticals and herbal medicines. However, it must be sold directly to patients through their healthcare professionals, health food stores, retail drug chains, a website, direct marketing and any methods other than prescription drug selling methods.

What are your targets ?
The commercial targets are 26 million US and 300 million worldwide diabetic patients. Sixty seven million US and 1 billion are worldwide obese patients. In addition, US CDC statistics show that 5.2 million US and 60 million worldwide are afflicted with Alzheimer’s diseases.

Who all are your competition ?
Essentially, there is no competition for marketing our product since Cyclo-Z is the only one drug for the treatment and prevention of diabetes, obesity and Alzheimers diseases without experiencing any known side effects. We consider this product to be the best available treatment agent for these metabolic diseases. PNC is working on FDA new drug approval as a prescription drug with health claims.

Tell us what gave you idea for your business PNC Inc ?
Since zinc is involved in gene expression, cell growth, and cell division (51), we initiated elucidation of intestinal zinc absorption mechanisms and were first to demonstrate that prostaglandins (PGs) regulate intestinal zinc absorption (52). Subsequently, we demonstrated that arachidonic acid (AA) (53), steroid hormones (54), L-histidine (55), and CHP (35) regulate intestinal zinc absorption and muscle tissue zinc uptake. Others reported that citric acid chelates zinc and stimulates intestinal zinc absorption (56). Although a vast number of papers on zinc metabolism are published annually, the intestinal zinc absorption mechanisms are still not clearly understood. It has been reported that relatively high amounts of zinc (57), citric acid (58), testosterone (59), and CHP (60) are found in mammalian prostate. We hypothesized that all of these constituents synergistically regulate cellular zinc metabolism. Since diabetic animals and humans are zinc deficient (61, 62), we examined the effects of prostate extract (PE) from rabbit on intestinal zinc absorption and on clinical signs of diabetes in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. Administration of PE significantly increased intestinal zinc absorption and decreased blood glucose levels in streptozotocin-diabetic rats (63). Subsequently, we determined the glucose lowering activities of prostate substances in patients with diabetes (64). Three month treatment with 2-4 Pro-Z gel capsules containing 200 mg dry prostate powder plus 20 mg zinc/capsule each day very significantly lowered Three-hour-average Above Fasting Glucose Concentration (TAFGC), HbA1c, and urine glucose levels. Since CHP is also found in relatively high amount in prostate (60) and histidyl-proline glycoprotein is the zinc transporter in plasma (36, 37), we determined the effect of CHP on glucose control in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats, and found that CHP was as effective as PE (65). These findings led us to study the effects of CHP plus zinc on the treatment of Type 2 diabetes in animals and in humans, to submit patent applications, and to form a company in 1997. Subsequently, we obtained NIH SBIR grant to perform basic studies with CHP and zinc on the blood glucose control mechanisms in animals and published in numerous peer reviewed papers. Finally, we marketed the product in the Korean Community in Los Angeles and in Yanjin, China where an informal phases 2 clinical trial was performed with excellent results. Therefore, we started to perform NIH-IND approved and VA IRB clinical trials. Phases 1 clinical trial exhibited absolutely no side effects and some healthy subjects with relatively high blood glucose levels significantly reduced their blood glucose levels to within normal ranges. We now expect that VA IRB approved phases 2 clinical trial will highly successful as shown in China.

Any Advice to College Students?

  1. Honesty is the best policy;
  2. diligent work;
  3. Day Dream and plan to work on your day dreams.

How long do you stick with an idea before giving up?
Unless there is a good reason to give up, never give up.

How has being an entrepreneur affected your family life?
I regret that I cannot spend much more time for my family.

What motivates you?
Being a man, I am always ambitious to accomplish something better than others for myself, for the family, for the country, and for the all human beings.

How do you generate a new idea?
By always thinking, observing, learning, and working hard.

The best way to achieve long term success?
Never make any enemy although the other party may not be friendly at the time. You must convert your enemy into friend in the long run. You need every help in business building including once useless or harmful stones. Also start an honest business and offer good customer service. Be smart to know the long term vision and work towards it.

Favorite aspect of being an entrepreneur?
Experiencing ecstasy of success.

What is the difference between entrepreneur and working for someone else?
The ambitiousness, feeling of accomplishment, and rich reward.

Your biggest mistake?
Missing the opportunity to work with someone who is willing to help me.

What makes you happy?
When my business plan works and receives good financial rewards.

Where I see my business in 10 years?
Incredible success.