Bing Introduces In-Depth Stocks And Funds Feature

January 30, 2010 0

New York — From administering your daily household affairs to portfolio management, Microsoft’s Bing said that it has recently introduced a new “Stocks and Funds pages” features to make it easier for users to find an in-depth financial information for users following or doing research related to stocks and finances.

Bing says it has developed a new stock and funds pages that offers in-depth information on most U.S. stocks, as well as provides comprehensive data about key finance metrics with an easy to interpret summary of key stock information. The pages include an Instant Answer snapshot of what is going on for a stock at the time you search.

The Bing Search Blog offers more details. “To see the stocks and funds, simply enter the name of the company in the search box e.g MSFT. Note our “Instant Answer” on top which provides basic data about the firm. If you click on the “Investor Data” tab on the left you go into our finance page.”

Clicking on that link opens the new Stocks and Funds page.

“The finance page delivers detailed statistics about key financial metrics of the firm. It also displays an easy to understand summary of the main analyst covering the stock.”

If you are engaged into stocks and portfolio administration, you might find this pretty beneficial or you can refer to other portfolio management sites likes Yahoo and Google Finance. Additional key information are also provided on the left side of the page containing information on other leading stocks in the industry.