January 30, 2012 0

The social networking giant, Facebook, will finally have a love affair with the Angry Birds. Coming this Valentine’s Day, on the 14th February, Angry Birds will be finally flying on over to Facebook. It has conquered almost every platform, and on this year’s day of love, it will rule and dominate the scene with Facebook.

According to a statement by Rovio, the company that owns Angry Birds, “Nothing says ‘Happy Valentine’s Day’ like competitive pig-popping among friends!”

There is even a trailer released by Rovio Mobile, which is a strange ad, advertising the next flight of the Birds. Looking at the trailer, it seems like the game on Facebook might play a little differently, as compared to the way one plays it on their mobile devices or even the desktop. Mashable reported that Rovio CEO Mikael Hed said that the game will have new aspects and will also have a more collaborative feel.

An instance can be noted in the trailer, is that of Mighty Eagle, which seems like it will be available for Facebook. In the trailer( posted below) one can see the same in the shot at 13 seconds in. one might be able to use the Mighty Eagle a few times in one hour, unlike mobile devices where users are only allowed to use it to get through a level they haven’t finished before once an hour. Following the same, at the 14 second, the star icon up top unrolls out to reveal what looks like various power ups, but we’ll have to wait for the game to see what those really are.

{iframe width=”560″ height=”315″ }http://www.youtube.com/embed/qS0NQ3CtKhg{/iframe}

To add to it, it can be noted that social features will be embedded into gameplay itself. This more or less looks like a specific spot for a user’s profile picture in the top right corner of the gameplay screen.

Talking about the love affair, Angry Birds have some connection with the Valentine’s Day. Last year, on the said date, the Angry Birds celebrated love with an update to Angry Birds Seasons. But this year, they had booked a Seasons update on the Chinese New Year, so yet another update was quite unlikely.

In a related development, there is news about the Rio chapter finally coming out with what looks like it could be its last update. However, the company says that there is no end to Angry Birds Rio yet.

This update has a conclusion to the Smuggler’s Plane chapter, following a boss fight with Nigel at the closing level. For those who have seen the movie, this chapter represents the last scene in the movie.

Talking about the update, it is an interesting update with the inclusion of the newest bird, the yellow woodpecker to the Rio world. To add to the fun, the Mighty Eagle will even see its way in to Angry Birds Rio.