Google has unveiled a whole new paradise, can be said, with Zeitgeist. Zeitgeist, basically gives users a gist of what and how was the search world of Google in 2011. Along with it, users can even look out for the most popular and the fastest-rising terms. The fastest-rising terms are those terms, which had the highest growth in 2011. Again the categories are not limited. Google googles into various categories across a number of countries around the world.
Zeitgeist is more like a tool, which helps users to make easy comparisons across categories, while one can even add detailed infographics. This detailing would help users to have an immersive dive into the data. Google even has a video specific, an overview of the search terms that captivated the world this year.
Users can even dive into the regional data or look at the global data. Regionally, there were many favorites, but looking the global prospects, it was noted that web celebrity Rebecca Black was the #1 fastest rising query globally, as fans searched for information about the “Friday” singer.
However, there were a few more strange facts known via Zeitgeist, apart from the Rebecca Black, spreading her global presence. She was accompanied by Adele, who was in the ‘fastest rising’ list in over 15 countries spread over five continents. This helped her earn a slot even in the global ranking of ‘fastest rising’.
That is not all. Looking beyond the ‘fastest rising’ list, one might be interested in the following ‘fastest’ categories of the global list:
Fastest Falling
Fastest Rising in Entertainment
Fastest Rising in Sports
Fastest Rising Consumer Electronics
Fastest Rising Food & Drinks
Fastest Rising – Google Maps
Fastest Rising People
Fastest Rising – Google News
Google however, is restricted in creating the search trends, which takes into account only searches made on Google. Searches made on Yahoo, Bing and other search engines are excluded from the count. A recent stat update, made by comScore denoted that Google earned a 65.4% share in the search engine world. The detailing of the stats can be noted in an article, posted on WebProNews, titled, Bing Catching Up To Yahoo. Noting those stats, Zeitgeist accounts for only 2/3rd of the search queries, made in 2011.
Whatever may be the case, but it has to be said that Google earns a hearty applause for the efforts taken and displayed by the search engine giant. The same can be noted in the video, posted below:
{iframe width=”560″ height=”315″}{/iframe}
Most of the users, would try and make use of Zeitgeist, but to note their own countries’ specials.
Zeitgeist, still is not restricted in terms of categories. One would find almost every category in the same, may it be people, food, gadgets or any other thing. It relates to search queries made on Google and it should be said, ‘Google nails it’.