August 23, 2011 0

Bime has been working on its path for quite some time now and a few days back there was even a data visualization seen of the guys at Bime, related to the Google+ early adopters demographics. The analysis there was done on Google+ users who have their count for a bit more than 4.4 million, which was almost 1/5th of the total number of reported users at that point of time. The analysis showed that the dominance was by men and the margin was huge as they accounted for 71.2% of the total sample. There were other stats even included which were for Google employees and engineers who were using Google+.

One might think that the analysis had a small sample. So here is another update from Bime. This time they have included more than 10 million Google+ users in their sample. As many more users have chipped in, there was an expectation that the male/female ratio would change, but the change wasn’t significant enough to call it a ‘change’. For the share, males have just deproved their 71.2% to 70% now. Females have not really got into the new social networking site of Google.

One can look out for the recent changes which have taken place in the last few weeks. The chart here details the male/ female ratio, user occupation landscape, companies which are most prominent on Google+ and more.

The male/female ratio is detailed as above. Talking about the other aspects, occupation landscape has a swift change as compared to the analysis made in July. The identifications in the earlier analysis showed that designers, developers and engineers were more for the count. However, in August, majority have their occupation identifications as student.

The companies which are most prominent on Google+ are now ‘self-employed’. The top companies list have HP and Sony along with a surprisingly strange entrant who is Subway. Going back to the previous analysis, Google had the biggest chunk and that was in no case a surprise.

Apart from the usual stats, there was one unusual detailing given. It was related to the number of Google+ inactive users. The analysis noted that 83% users are apparently considered as to be inactive which counts for a huge population who have their accounts on Google+. But being just fair, the report stated that like Google+, Twitter even has a huge population count who are in the ‘inactive’ list. There was no detailing given about what this ‘inactive’ classification detail off. The comparison here was rightly made against Twitter, as the comparison could not be made against the social networking giant, Facebook.

The last classification might change soon as Google+ has come up with the ‘games’ factor which can keep many a users sticking to their Google+ accounts. But for the gender distribution, this might not help really. It might just bring in more of males to get involved in the addictive game world of Google+.

Whatever may come in the future cannot really be predicted, but as for now, it can be said that Google+ is a male dominated social networking site which is as per the setting analysis reported.