Amazon hits back at Apple with Kindle Cloud Reader

August 16, 2011 0

Amazon has hit back at Apple with a new web app which has been named Kindle Cloud Reader. This app would use HTML5 to help in replicating Kindle ebook reader app’s features on cellphones. As for now, Google Chrome and Safari users have its availability. It even works on iPad, however its not yet for iPhone.

Amazon Kindle’s director, Dorothy Nicholls said that the application has been written on the grounds of HTML 5 which would give access to customers via their browser even in the offline mode. He continued saying that HTML 5 is flexible and it allowed them to build an app which directly adapts to the platform one uses. One can sync between other Kindle products of the reader.

There were changes made last month in the Kindle app for iOS devices which had angered and confused many users of iPod Touch, iPad and iPhone. The reason was that Kindle had to remove its ebook store’s direct link as it was against the purchasing policy of Apple’s new iOS. Kindle users had even registered negative reviews for the then changed app of Kindle in iTunes.

App development company Agant’s MD, Dave Addey said that now the integrated store is much better than ever. He added that earlier there were many things which this app was not good for, but now the web app form hasw accomplished almost everything.

The web app, has a connecting link from the app to the Kindle ebook store which encouraged readers away from the Kindle iOS app. There is a suggestion at the prime step for a new user to the app so that they can go to their home screen and add a link in there.

Like Amazon, other ebook sellers are even working hard on coming up with their own web app. Kobo was yet another ebook seller who had to remove their store from the app recently.The announcement however from Kobo team was out last month that they are even working on coming up with their web app. Ulike Kobo, Amazon had only announced that it is removing its Kindle store link which was to comply with the changed policies of Apple for its new iOS. This extension for Kindle can be a killer for Apple’s plans which has been dominant until last month. These web-based apps would even cut off the 30% commission Apple charges by controlling the App Store.

There was a tangle in court of late between Apple and Amazon. The issue was for the right of “App Store” term which was claimed by Apple that they have it as a trademark over. In US, Apple could not get a preliminary injunction enforced against Amazon. However in Europe, Apple’s lawsuit had weightage and Amazon was forced to to stop receiving any application submission via the German developers.

The app of Kindle is appreciated my most of the iPad users and one can look out for a video for the app on iPad below:-

{iframe width=”620″ height=”390″ align=”top”}http://www.youtube.com/embed/i1pVJ7ce8ds{/iframe}