Social war is getting just better as it’s in news that Microsoft is joining in the action. Google+ was working hard to fight against Facebook but now this new competitor named Tulalip from the Microsoft family is waiting for its turn to enter the royal rumble. On Friday, many bloggers saw a sneak preview of Tulalip which was as said by the company an ‘accidental’ publication on
It is hard to digest that it was an accidentally published, but still if it is digested, its hard to understand as to Microsoft is trying to enter the social networking web in competition with Facebook (ruling emperor). It will face tough competition even from Google+ but however the failure story of Google would be an inspiring factor for Microsoft. Microsoft would not like to follow Google’s fail story and would like to have a good start.
Talking about Tulalip, its front page says, “With Tulalip you can find what you need and share what you know easier than ever”. However this was quickly deactivated by Microsoft developers. Looking at the preview, it shows that the users would be allowed to log-in with their Twitter as well as Facebook accounts.
Now if one visits, it says, ‘ is an internal design project from a team in Microsoft Research which was mistakenly published to the web.’ the most interesting fact here is that the timing of the so called ‘accident’ is so very perfect. Google had the whole world of technology talking about Google+. Everyone was continuously passing on the latest updates on Google+ and the topics even included applications which can make am impact potentially, latest features, users, etc.
looks like Microsoft just got jealous of the attention seeker Google. As it is, Microsoft’s Bing had lost the show fighting against Google in 2009. Of late, there was an announcement from the executives of Microsoft which claims that Bing has got a push and now has a market share of almost 15%. They added saying that there are agreements which would be for all user searches on Yahoo in 2012. Bing was even termed as a ‘decision engine’ and not just a search engine.
Google and Facebook have achieved something which would not at all be easy for anyone else to do so. However Microsoft is planning to enter both the fields with just one weapon, ‘Tulalip’. As its tag line said, one can search for their requirements and at the same time share any content they want too.
But it it is to happen, it would surely take a lot of time which will be a testing time phase for Microsoft. It will be really hard to make everyone say, ‘I like Tulalip more than Google and Facebook.’
Microsoft through Bing, has already connected with Facebook and Microsoft has even given a ‘go ahead’ to buying Skype. Skype is actually even the outlet through which one can video chat on Facebook.
But there would be questions in one’s mind as Facebook, which has been Zuckerberg’s giant for long time and if there is competition from Tulalip in future, then what would the scenario be? Whatever would be between Facebook and Tulalip would be in future, but this sneak preview clearly showed that Microsoft is planning a dinosaur launch which would be into rivalry with Google+. Whatever might be Microsoft’s innovative techniques but still it might be that they are late yet again.