Google is working hard on Google+ to make it more and more competitive as compared to Facebook. The latest to these accelerated efforts is allowing users with a facility through which they can export a number of Web sites which have been their recommended ones and has a ‘+1’ button click by the user.
This cannot be considered as a major change but it has highlighted Google’s attempts to open up further. This can still be considered as an innovative action Google has added in and its unique as Facebook, its arch rival doesn’t have any such provision.
Brain Fitzpatrick, who is an engineering manager in Google reportedly told the reporters that Google knows that there is a possibility that users can anytime switch over their likings and this would only help them to work harder. Brain said it with the use of Google Hangout. Facebook has adopted another approach which is more restrictive rather than constructive. Mohamed Mansour was a developer who came up with a tool which helps Google+ users to bring in their Facebook contacts to Google+ via invites. This tool was blocked by Facebook. Another tool which was blocked was made by Open-Xchange. This tool was allowing people to get on Google+ with their contact list on Facebook.
This is not at all a new debate. Google has been trying to pressurize Facebook by claiming that they would become more and more open. However that claim was made in November last year and had its focus more on search-ability. Google had tried to convey the same message back in 2008.
Facebook is a social networking giant and it will not be majorly effected with such gimmicks at it has more that millions of users who surf Facebook on a daily basis. Facebook’s position is enviable and removing it from the top position looks next to impossible. If Google+ plans to build on by targeting Facebook users, then it would be inconvenient and a hassle for reconstruction as its using the users of a rival to build on which will majorly lead to comparisons. This will later on act as a barrier for Google+ which would be significant enough to prevent the success of Google+. A few economists even term this as network effects.
Google manager Fitzpatrick said that Facebook has a provision for its users through which they their data can be downloaded. However it cannot be done instantly and importing that data to rival service providers would not be easy as the format in which the download can be made is not of a similar nature. Fitzpatrick continued to say that the format is not openly portable. But when asked why was this hitch there, he declined to comment saying that he has no explanation for it.
Data Portability Project’s Chairman/Board Member Steve Repetti said that there were a few steps taken up by Facebook in the past which were positive and helped download in a format which is useful and data is readily available. Repetti continued saying that they are currently just using the pick-and-choose-or-remove theory for functionality. He concluded saying that they had even done the same thing but now they would undo it as they do not intend to give any benefits to Google.
Mansour’s tool for Chrome was blocked mainly because it breached the terms of service of Facebook which states, “You will not collect users’ content or information, or otherwise access Facebook, using automated means (such as harvesting bots, robots, spiders, or scrapers) without our permission.” this tool made a breach as it allows direct import of all the shared details of one’s contacts in Facebook to one’s Gmail Account.