I like what I am doing and will enjoy doing the same for years to come.” : Matt Stoquert, President and Purchasing Executive – Adirondack Networks Inc.

April 9, 2012 0

Specializing in the purchase and resale of used computers & networking hardware, Adirondack Networks Inc. is a leading independent reseller. They deal in computer & networking hardware from the likes of Sun Microsystems, Oracle, Cisco, Hewlett Packard & Fujitsu. Their experience of more than 25 years and global network, came in handy to deliver products more efficiently and cost effective than mainline distribution.

Read on to know more about their thoughts and dedication, to have a flourished business, and, more importantly, their ingredients for success.

Q: Kindly give our readers an introduction to your business.

Ans: Well, my business does not have the glamor quotient, but it is the need of every common man today. In simple words, Adirondack Networks Inc. is a leading independent reseller of new, refurbished and used Sun Microsystems, Oracle, Fujitsu Systems, Cisco Systems, HP Servers and used networking equipment. We have hands-on experience to offer custom configurations and spare parts that suit the demanding requirements of today’s technology. In addition, we even offer asset recovery services to help IT departments recover their asset investment costs. You can locate us in upstate, central New York. However, we ship our products worldwide, as we have a number of shipping options.

Q: Kindly give us a brief description about yourself.

Ans: I feel blessed with a IT Purchasing experience of more than 15 years. My rich knowledge base college and years of IT purchasing/sales experience, has helped me see success as an entrepreneur.
For now, my motive is to push Adirondack Networks’ growth year after year. I even encourage my staff, to get the required knowledge on the latest products and training for both customer support and branching out the company.

Q: What ignited the spark in you to (start a new business venture) or (to make significant changes in an existing business)? How did the idea for your business come about?

Ans: While I was working in both purchasing and sales at a previous company, I sensed the need to help companies and organizations reduce their IT costs for hardware. My sources were limited on what I could do, while working for someone else. So, I decided to quit my job, along with a colleague and good friend, Doug Martin (Current Vice President – Sales Executive). We collaborated our efforts to start a new company. We knew that we had the ability to help save a company’s IT costs, along with exemplary customer service. We did strive for long hours and finally the efforts paid off. We now have a substantial global partnership with suppliers and a growing customer base.

Q: How important have good employees been to your success?

Ans: They have been crucial for our success, as they helped maintain our image and relationships with customers. At Adirondack Networks, Inc.,we are more like a family.

Q: What three pieces of advice would you give to college students who want to become entrepreneurs?

Ans: Let me list them in the order of importance:

  • No risk. No rewards.
  • Don’t let the negative comments stop you from moving towards your goal.
  • Believe in yourself, shoot for your dreams and someday they will come true.

Q: If you had the chance to start your career over again, what would you do differently?

Ans: I don’t think so. It all has been a great learning experience for me. So, I feel I would not do things differently.

Q: How long do you stick with an idea before giving up?

Ans: I try until I exhaust all the resources or let’s say, till I have an opportunity to try again.

Q: How many hours do you work a day on average?

Ans: It’s not about the hours; it’s about making sure that our customers are happy by the end of the day.

Q: How has being an entrepreneur affected your family life?

Ans: The effect has only been positive. It has taught my kids to have confidence in themselves. This will help them achieve success when they grow up.

Q: How do you generate new ideas?

Ans: We keep in mind our customer needs and accordingly work on them.

Q: How do you define success?

Ans: The success mantra for me is simple. I don’t consider my work as work, and I feel self-motivated.

Q: To what do you most attribute your success? What would say are the key elements for starting and running a successful business?

Ans: The key elements, I would say are:

  • Creative vision
  • hard work
  • dedication to what I believe.

Q: What do you feel is the major difference between entrepreneurs and those who work for someone else?

Ans: Freedom. Working for your own self gives you the liberty to follow your own path and direction. However, when you are working for others, you need to work according to the guidelines laid down by the employers.

Q: Where you see yourself and your business in 10 years? 20 years?

Ans: Down the line, I see my business growing and I would be willing to add friends to my network. I like what I am doing and will enjoy doing the same for years to come.